Wednesday, October 7, 2009

As we further advance as a society, we begin to bring into light new and controversial subjects that, through debate and discussion, help govern new laws and restrictions. More specifically, the controversy of whether gay marriage should be legal has risen so much so, that multiple states are considering or have already legalized gay marriage. I firmly believe that marriage is to be an act between a man and a woman, and no other. Being raised in a Christian family has taught me that marriage is a gift; a chance to be with a significant other for the rest of your life. Christianity has also taught me that God deems marriage as only between a man and a woman, and that any other way is a carnal sin.

If religion is not your specific strong point, than let nature be an influence. The basic anatomy of our own bodies, whether you believe created by God or evolution, dictates that we are supposed to be with the opposite sex, and any other way is, simply put, a perversion a nature. Many evolutionists who favor gay marriage might bring forth the fact that many animals, even the primates that they think we evolved from, practice some sort of homosexuality and it is simply a curiosity that mother nature has given us. Though this is true, it is also important to realize that our brains and capacity for thought are so much more advanced than that of a primate or other animal and any such notion of intersexual relations should be ruled out by simple human logic.

As you can see, I have a very firm opinion on this matter, but do know that these are simply my opinions written down, and should not be taken threateningly or offensive. I am willing to hear both sides of any subject, so i must ask: Do you think we should legalize same sex marriage?

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